Course Syllabus

Hum Syllabus.png

Introduction to Humanities 

Instructor: Mrs. Harrison
Room: E179
Office Hours: 3:30-3:50pm.  Appointments may be scheduled for conferences if necessary. 
Phone: 405-726-7198
Website: Canvas Information to Follow Soon

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to present an overview of the arts in the Western tradition in the contexts of philosophy, culture, art, architecture, music, dance and literature.  Students will evaluate the contexts of culture, following it throughout the history of each civilization. 

Learner Outcomes:

  1. Students will analyze and evaluate art, sculpture, architecture, music and literature.
  2. Students will identify different art movements and trends throughout history.
  3. Students will identify different architectural trends throughout history.
  4. Students will identify different sculptures throughout history.
  5. Students will identify different musical trends throughout history.
  6. Students will compare and contrast early and modern film.
  7. Students will compare and contrast musical styles.
  8. Students will demonstrate understanding of culture through creation of their own paintings, sculptures, and designs.
  9. Students will identify artists and correlate them to their artwork.
  10. Students will participate in current cultural activities to demonstrate connection to our current culture.

 Classroom Supplies:  We keep a constant revolving set of supplies.  In order to decrease demand on student purchase of supplies, we ask that students bring one set of something each semester to contribute to the revolving supplies.  This only works if ALL STUDENTS PURCHASE THE SUPPLY NEEDED FOR THE SEMESTER.  If a student DOES NOT wish to contribute to the classroom set, then s/he needs to purchase 1 of each of the following: colored pencils, crayons, chalk, blue or black construction paper, and markers.  All other students that wish to use classroom sets of supplies need to contribute this semester by purchasing the following items: One Box of Colored Pencils

 Classroom Expectations for Behavior:

  1. Be Prompt.
  2. Be Prepared.
  3. Be Productive.
  4. Be Positive.

 Discipline Procedures:

  1. Verbal Warning.
  2. Teacher Conference
  3. Loss of privileges/loss of daily points (if a participation day)
  4. Written Referral and Parent Contact

*Severity of infractions will result in skipping warnings and moving to more severe consequences


This class will balance daily participation, quizzes and projects.  Students will be given between 2-4 grades per week.  As a demonstration of mastery, students will be tested or will present projects over each unit.  The percentage for your grade breaks down to the following:

 Daily grades including (but not limited to) discussion, writing, practice, and reading: 25%

Written or Verbal Quizzes: 15%

Comprehensive Exams or Projects: 40%

Semester Exam: 20%

Late Work and Tutoring:

Students are expected to turn in all work in a timely manner.  Make-up work guidelines follow district policy, for each day missed, 2 days will be given to make up assignments missed.  Any assignments that are more than two days late will be subject to parental approval and contract to make up.  The longer you wait to turn it in, the more difficult it is for me to be timely and efficient in recovering your grade.   It is the student’s responsibility to see me at lunch or after school to get information about missed assignments, not during class time.  Our goal is to prepare students for the real world, where we all work with deadlines.  Unfortunately, in the real world, lateness is not met without consequence, so it will not be met without consequence in our classroom.

 Course content outline:

  1. Communicating with Art
  2. Pre-historic Art and Architecture
  3. Reniassance Art/Architecture
  4. Blues/Jazz
  5. Ninteenth Century Art/Architecture/Photography
  6. Film Symbolism/Cinematography
  7. Theatre History/Musicals/Dance
  8. Contemporary Art/Architecture/Philosophy



Permission Slip and Classroom Item due by: Monday August 21, 2017

Course Summary:

Date Details Due